Monday, October 10, 2016

5 Type Cat Available In world

Cats are one type of pet in the world, the scientific name in cats is silvestris catus which is a kind of carnivorous mammals who only eat meat. But increased with time cats can also eat foods such as wheat and rice.
Newspaper significant other, the cat is an animal species which are quite popular in foreign countries, even in Indonesia. Many Indonesian people are keen to choose the type of animals as pets.

Maybe that caused them choose animals of this type, because of the beauty of fur, goodness of character, as well as its unique characteristics and attractive, so it is appropriate and proper to be made in a pet. Here are the types of popular cat in Indonesia that you should know.

1. Persia

Persian cat is the most popular cat breed in the world, the origin of these cats come from Persia that at this moment (the call with iran country). But this time the Persian cat is more developed in English and American country which in reality has become the largest distributor to producer Persian cat.
Nama : Persia
Asal : iran
Karakter : Pendiam, penyayang, tidak terlalu aktif, dan setia
Jenis : persia peaknose, persia flatnose, persia himalaya, dan persia medium
Persian physical form in general is with a pug nose and face bulleted. They also have physical features on the rest of her short bulleted and size short legs, and on the long hair and smooth. Her common type of Persian cats are divided into different types, such as Persian peaknose, flatnose Persian, Persian Himalayan, and Persian media. And for a persian cat food, they are more suitable dry and wet foods are generally sold specialized in pet stores.

2. Persia himalayan

Cat of the Himalayas is the kind of cat that has long been known worldwide for hundreds of years, but this cat a new known in continental Europe in the ranks of the 1950s with a name that is more known color point persian.
Type cat is classified as very unique, Unique her this cat is a hybrid of Siamese and Persian cats, resulting in a kind of cat is very cute and charming with the name of the Himalayan cats.
Name: Persian Himalayan
Origin: United States
Standart race: TICA, CFA, CCA, AACE, ACFA / CAA
Character: Active, happy to play, and not happy lazing
Color: Seal point (brown-black), blue point (gray) , lilac point (gray-brown), red / flame points (reddish beige), cream point (beige), and a chocolate point (brown)
Physical characteristics which have a cat of the Himalayas is a pug nose and thick fur such as the Persian longhair, groups of this type also has a style body color that is very unique, in the capture of cat breeds siamese (color point on the body), plus another with blue eyes Himalayan cat which is the identical form of descent siamese cat breed. Well, certainly interesting ya! For about Himalayan cat food, The good use of dry and wet food sold in pet stores are nearby.

3. Russian blue

The origin of these cats come from a port of Arkhangelsk in russia. Russian blue is kind of short-haired cat with a gray coat color and has a bluish green eyes are quite interesting if you look at it directly.
Nama : Russian blue
Asal ; Russia
Karakter : cerdas, penasaran, ramah, pemalu dan sensitif
Berat badan  rata-rata dewasa :  3.5-7 kg atau 7.7-15.4 pon
This cat can type fairly align with a group of intelligent cat in the world. The characteristics of the cat russian blue is quite interesting, besides they can say intelligent, it kind of this cat has properties very closely with their owners, but the group cat russian blue is a little bit shy with strangers who have not been in unfamiliarity.
For this form of cat food russian blue with enough dry food and wet, usually to those foods sold in any pet store in Indonesia.

4. Domestic / Indonesian village

Domestic cat is a cat popular in the world, everyone knows the type of cat, perhaps because its appearance is often seen in the city streets, alleys deket home, even passing in front of your own home.
Domestic cats generally have the character and traits were quite good , such as independent, sharp memories, as well as physically strong. Although this cat looks a bit wild and creepy should not be underestimated once, Because of the fact that they might have some advantages that may often ignored in the past.
Name: Domestic cats
Character: Wild, strong, energetic, hunters, and active
Various advantages on domestic cats, among others, it can be tamed and made good friends with and besides that domestic cats can also keep your home from an annoying rat attacks.
In the treatment of domestic cats, can say quite easy and cheap. due to this type of cat the said groups of cats were independent, not spoiled, good physical and not a hobby select select food. Please know also, it turns out this cat has attracted the attention of cat lovers in Indonesia, which finally gave birth to a community by the name of PKDI (Indonesian domestic cat lovers).

5. Turkish Angora

Angora is a natural cat group of the oldest in the world. Rumors has a cat is very often associated with the myth of the legends in the region of origin (Turkey). However, it does not mean Angora cat originated from Turkey, because until now researchers animals in the world has not known these cats come from nowhere.
Angora today is very popular and famous in Indonesia, they are a kind of cat medium-bodied with feathers enough long and beautiful. Physical characteristics in Angora cats are generally very different from the Persian cat, a group they have a triangular head shape and has a nose pretty sharp and rather long feathers at the neck (like a lion).
Name: Angora
Origin: Turkish
Standart race: TICA, FIFE, WCF, CFA, CCA, ACFA / CAA
Character: elegant, lively, energetic, and active
For cats characteristics of this type, they have a style that is graceful, agile and active. Therefore provide good toy in the vicinity, as well as the note itself and the cleanliness of the environment. In Angora cat bathing should be routinely done, due to the active nature will impact the cat quickly soiled. The good bathe Angora cat 1 days with the anti-lice shampoo specially which is provided in a pet shop near your home.

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