Monday, October 10, 2016

How to Improve and Overcome Computer Blank Black

Article How to Improve and Overcome PC Black Blank admin addressed after we publish articles about learning to be self-taught computer technician, ranging from how to analyze the damage to the laptop to start the repair process in step by step. In a few days ago, an article about the causes lapptop often die alone also had time for some post admin requests from readers of this blog Learning Computer Science. 
Immediately admin describe about how to fix your laptop black blank as long as possible often create buddy who uses a computer to be anxious, what are the causes and how to overcome them. Based on the results of reading admin experience learned from Complete Computer Maintenance Ebook written by Mas Agussale owner Qbonk Media Group. Quality ebook admin sense, because the content of 80 percent is the science of practice surrounding the repair of laptops, computers, networking, and mobile electronics technician even.
We start from the process of checking or inspection cope blank black screen laptop

Checks Flow Is There Or Not

The fundamental activity we should be doing is checking the current on the laptop, because it may be blank laptop because there was no current. If the current on the laptop was alright and the lights on the laptop also burning in the on position then skip this step and proceed to the next step.

Empty Flow Available in a Laptop

Concerning the question of How to Fix a Laptop that is getting the condition where the laptop is not displaying anything except a black screen we first try to clear the current inside the laptop to make sure all the programs running on Zero. How to clear the flow by disconnecting the laptop battery and press the power button while on hold for 30 seconds. The next step, simply plug the battery pack back, usually on a black screen blank laptop case can be resolved until this step.

What Causes Blank Screen Laptop Black 

It should be before doing repairs on a broken laptop, including overcoming the blank laptop we should already understand the causes of these laptops become blank. The most important it is to analyze damage to the hardware and software on the laptop, I highly recommend you read the full study series Laptop Computer Technician Work Qbonk Media Group

Display Panel damaged

We must make sure whether the Panel Display on the laptop is damaged, then try to connect the laptop to an external monitor. change the display mode via the keyboard of the laptop screen mode internal to external display mode. if the external screen displays successfully serve then certainly there is damage in the internal display panel. external screen can be a CRT monitor if the output of the monitor (VGA) port, or if the output of HDMI HDTV. damage to the display panel there are some of them: damage to the inverter, flexible cables, and LCD. if there is thin like a shadow image on the LCD, then the possibility of defective is LCD backlight (CCFL), or cable rigidities.
List of series laptops are often exposed black screen:
HP TX1000 series, Sony Vaio VGN series, and other series that mostly using nVidia 8400 series and 8600. nVidia GeForce 8400 series and GeForce 8600's output of about 2008 well-known most often damaged after use between 2 to 4 years, it is because there is production errors. but nVidia have corrected for the new products.

Do damage to VGA Laptop

VGA chipset damage commonly experienced by laptop dedicated VGA such as Nvidia or Ati. Chipset integrated VGA damage from VGA eg Intel is very rare, occurring VGA damage berbandingannya approximately 10 dedicated value 1 integrated. are often exposed on the VGA chipset is a socket, VGA RAM memory and its GPU chipset.

Solutions to Overcome Damage On Blank Screen Laptop Black

For damage to the LCD panel: take your laptop to the service to know what parts of your laptop's LCD panel is damaged so that it can be repaired or replaced components. Or you can read "How to Fix a Broken LCD Panel"

For damage to VGA: the cheapest solution: chipset in Reflow (at blower with a hot gun), but the damage will arise more easily in just a few days. Reball: replace the pin balls in the bottom of the base chipset, so the connection is bad repair. pin balls made of lead free soldering (unleaded) more easily damaged due to temperature changes when compared with the use of leaded soldering. That's why after some time many of Nvidia VGA become corrupted with artifacts and black screen.jika symptoms chipset already suffered severe damage can be replaced with a new chipset, and only then if the chipset available.

Another solution is to replace the motherboard, unfortunately this solution is the solution that costs the most expensive is between 1 to 2 million. do not be hasty to replace the motherboard if your laptop only issue "no display" / blank display / black screen, because in addition to expensive, there is still another alternative solution is to reball chipset. chipset reball rates ranging from 500 to 700an thousand Rupiah, in big cities in Indonesia are now servicing many laptops / notebooks that provide services reflow and reball chipset. they generally have tools BGA Rework Station, so you need not worry if you find that your laptop experience the issues. Unless you are already having an Reference Complete Laptop Repairing Damaged .
There are Some Other Possible Causes and Solutions Black Blank Laptop Fix:

  • The problem might be due to memory failure. Failure and laptop memory modules do not light up because of it. In this case you can try reseating the memory module to ensure proper contact with the slot. You can try removing memory modules one by one and test the laptop with just one memory module installed. You can try replacing the memory module with the new module.
  • If reseating / replacing the memory module does not help, try to remove the hard drive, DVD drive, modem, wireless card, keyboard, etc. In other words, loading laptop and only minimal equipment installed, and test again. If the laptop is still not on, the possibility of failures. 
By reading and pay attention to some of my descriptions in the article How to Improve and Overcome Laptop Blank Black, I hope my friend can overcome the damage to the laptop monitor. If you also do not understand because this article is only a fragment of the possibility that small, I highly recommend the buddy reading Ebook Computer Technician Complete in Qbonk Media Group, armed with my experience, Ebook is already quite a lot of help prospective technicians to computer technicians to fix all the problems on computers and Laptops a Complete Computer Learning Materials

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