Monday, October 10, 2016

How to fix a memory card that CORRUPT / BROKEN

How to fix a memory card that CORRUPT / BROKEN
MMC, Memory Korrupt, Memory Card, Format
Memory card (MMC) classified as perishable goods, which meant damage here that the destruction of the file system (not physical) ciri2nya MMC is not detected even if detected but gk could be opened,
Many causes can be due to:
  • Overheating
  • The influence of the magnetic field
  • Errors when unplugging / enter mmc keslotnya (nah..Yg is most frequent occurrence),
To fix prepare cardreader and PC of course if there gk do not despair, just go ja kewarnet nearby Rp.3000 / h, ko !! 15 minutes ja already settled n the remaining 45 minutes can be using to surf didumay, passable kn from pd buy expensive new-MMC, coy ... Pa more types of M2. (Ko .. jdi promosiin cafe, y udh trsrh jg mo kmna important that there is a PC n cardreader), do:
format via the menu window explorer.

  • remove the MMC and input kecardreader, remember do not arbitrarily revoke the use REMOVE MMC MMC MEMORY to unplug when your phone is on, if there is no menu REMOVE MEMORY should turn off the phone first.
  • locate the drive MMC (see dimenu windows eksploler example on drive H, E, F, G, D) if it has been read, click the right mouse button and select the menu format, continue to select the format (FAT, FAT32 and NTSC) select a system Forma FAT.
  • click FORMAT NOW button and wait for it to finish if it comes out the message '' erorr '' and PC can not reformat again use the format via the menu command link.
  1. Click start => run, and type CMD.jendela Command will look at the DOS prompt mode.
  2. continue to type FORMAT h: / FS: FAT (h = is the drive if the MMC is didrive h, if f writing f).
  3. wait until settled, if the problem persists others try a cardreader another, if still gk could be restored, good dituker again ketokonya if they guarantee, if udh gk warranty is up to diapain tu MMC free perspicuity tu MMC've made loe dizziness, hehehe ,

How to Improve Memory Card Error Not Legible

How to Improve Memory Card Error Not Legible  - when the memory card is corrupted or unreadable. we need to first know who damaged whether on the part of software or hardware. Hardware malfunction on the memory card (memory card) may occur due to friction and other factors, while damage or errors in the software could occur due to the influence of harmful virus from any computer, cell phone or camera.

Here's how to complete repair of the memory card that we shared in the article  How to Improve Memory Card Error Not Legible

Method 1:
  • Remove the media card from dd.
  • Clean the copper plate (golden yellow) with a pencil eraser (who is white). Do it slowly until the slab TSB looks clean.
  • Insert a media card into dd and check what can already be read in mm.
How to 2nd
  • To-Memory Options and then highlight the words "Total Space"
  • Then press the button and select Repair 
  • Check what can already be read in mm.
Method 3:
  • Connect dd pc to use the data cable.
  • Browse media card directory in Windows Explorer (usually the name Removable **) and then click the right mouse button and select Properties-Tools then select lg Scan disk, wait until finished.
  • Unplug the data cable.
  • Now check the media card lg what can already be read in mm.
Method 4:
  • Connect dd pc to use the data cable.
  • Create a new folder on your hard drive as a backup folder pc media card.
  • Make an error check on a media card.
  • Copy the entire contents of the media card to a folder tsb.
  • Hard format with the way the media card: card media directory highlight and right-click mouse button and select 'Format'. Tick ​​☑ in writing FAT16. Wait until the process is complete.
  • Copy the contents of the backup media card back that was in the backup folder pc.
Or use this way
Often the memory card after connecting to a PC as a removable disc unreadable, alias unwilling mounting in explorer, Please check and do the following:
From 'homescreen': OPTIONS> MEDIA CARD.
Media Card Support : ON.
Mass Storage Mode Support : ON
Auto Enable Mass Storage : YES
Save and Exit
If 'card' her new and still empty, then it could be as follows. OPTIONS> MEDIA CARD> BBmenu> click FORMAT CARD
For existing memory card contents, then do just no.1 s / d 5. Remember FORMAT CARD, will erase ALL data on the Memory Card.

How to Fix a Laptop Touchpad Not Working

How to Fix a Laptop Touchpad Not Functioning - This time the admin will share information real lightweight admin ever experienced myself that I reactivate the touchpad is not functioning. Based on experience, the actual laptop mouse right click and left click can still function, drag (slide) on the touchpad can still be done, just not able to click on the board tap (touch pad Laptop Mouse) are unworkable.

Okay, following a series of How To Fix Laptop Touchpad Not Working :
There are 2 How to Resolve Laptop Touchpad is not working, a case study of this tutorial I've ever tried windows 7, I think, is still the same as the settings in Windows 8, although not yet been tried. 

The first way:
sebernarnya only small errors which have not tercentangnya "Tap to Click". If you do not understand can be seen in this image gan.

Second way:
  • if setting touchpad is correct (active / on) in software touchpad innate and touchpad still can not work normally again, then troubleshooting is done to the second level, namely: remove driver mouse / touchpad on the Device Manager by doing tahap2 as follows: go to control panel - > system -> device manager. and find the mice and other pointing device -> click the symbol next to it and then delete the named driver Synaptics PS / 2 Port Touchpad in a way hover the mouse pointer in the driver TSB -> right click -> select delete.
  • after delete driver, restart your laptop touchpad driver buddy that can be refreshed again by automatit install OS windowsnya up time back.

Feature Feature Power Supply Computer Damage and How to Overcome It

Damage to electronic devices including computers can know the solution if we know the signs of damage to the computer components in question. Similarly, when we want to finding out whether the characteristic feature of the computer power supply is faulty then there will be steps should we take ssebelumperbaikan.
This time, the admin will menjelakan some marks / traits faulty power supply:

Computer Not Lighted COMPLETELY

This situation is a condition that most reflects the damage of your computer's power supply. Typically, when the power supply is damaged , then the computer will not turn on at all even though the power source and the other complementary components in good condition.

Fan Power Supply Not Spins When the computer is powered

Another sign of damage to the power supply is fan on the power supply would not spin, while the computer is in the ON position, as well as all electrical components are installed correctly.

Computer Indicator Light Not Lit

Kompter indicator light also would not start, so it's also resulted in kesuluruhan computer system will not turn on and operate properly.

Computers Want Turns, But stop until the BIOS settings

Computers that suffered damage to the power supply are also often unwilling to enter into the operating system, so it will be in the BIOS screen, without going any - anything.
In addition to some of the signs above, some other damage on the power supply can be seen from the type of minor damage such as:
  • USB socket does not work well.
  • Computers often die alone, or undergo a restart itself.
  • The performance of the computer slows down, because the components of the CPU does not obtain optimum electrical currents.
  • Some applications may not run perfectly.
  • Sometimes often also affect the malfunction of hardware, such as dimming the screen, or computer becomes unresponsive.

How to Improve and Overcome Computer Blank Black

Article How to Improve and Overcome PC Black Blank admin addressed after we publish articles about learning to be self-taught computer technician, ranging from how to analyze the damage to the laptop to start the repair process in step by step. In a few days ago, an article about the causes lapptop often die alone also had time for some post admin requests from readers of this blog Learning Computer Science. 
Immediately admin describe about how to fix your laptop black blank as long as possible often create buddy who uses a computer to be anxious, what are the causes and how to overcome them. Based on the results of reading admin experience learned from Complete Computer Maintenance Ebook written by Mas Agussale owner Qbonk Media Group. Quality ebook admin sense, because the content of 80 percent is the science of practice surrounding the repair of laptops, computers, networking, and mobile electronics technician even.
We start from the process of checking or inspection cope blank black screen laptop

Checks Flow Is There Or Not

The fundamental activity we should be doing is checking the current on the laptop, because it may be blank laptop because there was no current. If the current on the laptop was alright and the lights on the laptop also burning in the on position then skip this step and proceed to the next step.

Empty Flow Available in a Laptop

Concerning the question of How to Fix a Laptop that is getting the condition where the laptop is not displaying anything except a black screen we first try to clear the current inside the laptop to make sure all the programs running on Zero. How to clear the flow by disconnecting the laptop battery and press the power button while on hold for 30 seconds. The next step, simply plug the battery pack back, usually on a black screen blank laptop case can be resolved until this step.

What Causes Blank Screen Laptop Black 

It should be before doing repairs on a broken laptop, including overcoming the blank laptop we should already understand the causes of these laptops become blank. The most important it is to analyze damage to the hardware and software on the laptop, I highly recommend you read the full study series Laptop Computer Technician Work Qbonk Media Group

Display Panel damaged

We must make sure whether the Panel Display on the laptop is damaged, then try to connect the laptop to an external monitor. change the display mode via the keyboard of the laptop screen mode internal to external display mode. if the external screen displays successfully serve then certainly there is damage in the internal display panel. external screen can be a CRT monitor if the output of the monitor (VGA) port, or if the output of HDMI HDTV. damage to the display panel there are some of them: damage to the inverter, flexible cables, and LCD. if there is thin like a shadow image on the LCD, then the possibility of defective is LCD backlight (CCFL), or cable rigidities.
List of series laptops are often exposed black screen:
HP TX1000 series, Sony Vaio VGN series, and other series that mostly using nVidia 8400 series and 8600. nVidia GeForce 8400 series and GeForce 8600's output of about 2008 well-known most often damaged after use between 2 to 4 years, it is because there is production errors. but nVidia have corrected for the new products.

Do damage to VGA Laptop

VGA chipset damage commonly experienced by laptop dedicated VGA such as Nvidia or Ati. Chipset integrated VGA damage from VGA eg Intel is very rare, occurring VGA damage berbandingannya approximately 10 dedicated value 1 integrated. are often exposed on the VGA chipset is a socket, VGA RAM memory and its GPU chipset.

Solutions to Overcome Damage On Blank Screen Laptop Black

For damage to the LCD panel: take your laptop to the service to know what parts of your laptop's LCD panel is damaged so that it can be repaired or replaced components. Or you can read "How to Fix a Broken LCD Panel"

For damage to VGA: the cheapest solution: chipset in Reflow (at blower with a hot gun), but the damage will arise more easily in just a few days. Reball: replace the pin balls in the bottom of the base chipset, so the connection is bad repair. pin balls made of lead free soldering (unleaded) more easily damaged due to temperature changes when compared with the use of leaded soldering. That's why after some time many of Nvidia VGA become corrupted with artifacts and black screen.jika symptoms chipset already suffered severe damage can be replaced with a new chipset, and only then if the chipset available.

Another solution is to replace the motherboard, unfortunately this solution is the solution that costs the most expensive is between 1 to 2 million. do not be hasty to replace the motherboard if your laptop only issue "no display" / blank display / black screen, because in addition to expensive, there is still another alternative solution is to reball chipset. chipset reball rates ranging from 500 to 700an thousand Rupiah, in big cities in Indonesia are now servicing many laptops / notebooks that provide services reflow and reball chipset. they generally have tools BGA Rework Station, so you need not worry if you find that your laptop experience the issues. Unless you are already having an Reference Complete Laptop Repairing Damaged .
There are Some Other Possible Causes and Solutions Black Blank Laptop Fix:

  • The problem might be due to memory failure. Failure and laptop memory modules do not light up because of it. In this case you can try reseating the memory module to ensure proper contact with the slot. You can try removing memory modules one by one and test the laptop with just one memory module installed. You can try replacing the memory module with the new module.
  • If reseating / replacing the memory module does not help, try to remove the hard drive, DVD drive, modem, wireless card, keyboard, etc. In other words, loading laptop and only minimal equipment installed, and test again. If the laptop is still not on, the possibility of failures. 
By reading and pay attention to some of my descriptions in the article How to Improve and Overcome Laptop Blank Black, I hope my friend can overcome the damage to the laptop monitor. If you also do not understand because this article is only a fragment of the possibility that small, I highly recommend the buddy reading Ebook Computer Technician Complete in Qbonk Media Group, armed with my experience, Ebook is already quite a lot of help prospective technicians to computer technicians to fix all the problems on computers and Laptops a Complete Computer Learning Materials

How to Install Computer Network, LAN and Server

The computer network (the network) is a system consisting of computers that are designed to be able to share resources (printer, CPU), communication (e-mail, instant messaging), and can access the information (web browser) The purpose of the Network is to be can achieve its objectives, any part of a computer network can request and provide the service ( service ). The party requesting / receiving services is called a client ( client ) and provide / send service called the waiter ( server ).
This design is called a client-server system, and is used in almost all computer network applications.
Ebook Readers Capability Specifications Computer Network Technician Is 
  1. History of Computer Networks
  2. Benefits of Computer Networking
  3. Computer Network Topology
  4. Differentiating Types of Computer Networks
  5. Deeper Understanding Multiple Line Computer Network
  6. New Operating Systems and Computer Networks
  7. Acquainted with the Windows XP Network Interface
  1. computer Server
  2. Ethernet Hub
  3. Ethernet Switch
  4. Routers Network Repeater
  5. Network Bridges
  6. Network Adapter
  7. Wireless Network Interface Controller
  8. Modems
  9. Networking Cable
  10. hardware Firewall
  11. Stand Alone Wireless Access Point (WAP)
  1. Preparation of Work Equipment
  2. Preparing the Network Hardware
  3. Step mounting hardware
  4. Placement Computer Servers
  5. Installation kompter Server On Hub / Switch
  6. Installation Client Computer on a LAN cable
  7. Placement HUB / Switch
  8. Placement and Installation Router
  1. Operating System Installation
  2. How to Set Computer Name and Workgroup in Windows XP
  3. Settings Network Connections
  4. How To Configure TCP / IP Address On Computer Server
  5. How To Configure TCP / IP Address On the Client Computer
  6. How To Configure TCP / IP Address Printer Server
  7. How To Configure TCP / IP Address Wireless Router
  8. Figuring Software Settings On Computer network
  1. Classification of Computer Network Security
  2. Various Kinds of Computer Network Attack
  3. Computer Network Security System Build Strong
  1. Connecting Network Cables
  2. Doing Wireless Network Connection
  3. Checking Network Connection Status
  4. Set Up and Test Remote Desktop On Windows
  5. Set Up and Test Remote Desktop Web Connection
  1. Installing [File and Printer Sharing] On Windows XP
  2. Sharing Files And Folders In Network
  3. Sharing Network Drive In
  4. Advanced File Sharing Sharing
  5. In the Internet Connection Through Cable Network Computer Server
  6. In the Internet Connection Sharing Network Cables Without Through Computer Servers
  7. Computer Setting Ad Hoc Wireless Network
  8. In the Sharing Network Drive Mapping
  9. Creating Folder Sharing Can Be Accessed By Offline
  10. Accessing File and Folder Sharing
  11. Accessing and Working with Offline Files
  1. Troubleshooting Connection Local Network
  2. Troubleshooting File and Printer Sharing in Microsoft Windows XP
  3. Network Troubleshooting Commands
  4. Troubleshooting Diagnostic Tools

development and computer history

Computer History and its development - Since the beginning, the data processing has been performed by humans. Humans also find equipment mechanics and electronics to help human beings in calculation and data processing in order to get results faster. Computers that we see today is a long evolution of human inventions since time immemorial in the form of mechanical or electronic appliance
Nowadays computers and supporting tools have been included in every aspect of life and work. Computers are now capable of more than just an ordinary mathematical calculations. Among them is a computer system capable of reading gauze supermarket shopping goods code, telephone exchange that handles millions of calls and communications, computer networks and the Internet that connects various places in the world.
Computer History by period are:

  • Traditional Tools and Calculators Calculate Mechanics
  • First Generation Computers
  • Second Generation Computers
  • Third Generation Computers
  • Fourth Generation Computers
  • Fifth Generation Computer
1. First Generation Computers (1946-1959)
With the onset of World War II, the countries involved in the war sought to develop to exploit their potential strategic computer.
It increases funding for the development of computers and accelerate the progress of computer techniques.
(1) Colassus
(2 ) Mark I
characteristic of the first generation are:
- the use of vacuum tube (which makes the computer at the time were very large)
- There is a magnetic cylinder for data storage.
- instructions for operation made specific to a particular task.
- Each computer has a different kodebiner program called "machine language" (machine language). This causes the computer is difficult to be programmed and the speed limit.
2. Second Generation Computers (1959 - 1964)
Stretch and LARC
first machine that utilizes this new technology is a supercomputer. IBM makes supercomputer named Stretch, and Sprery Rand makes a computer named LARC. These computers, which were developed for atomic energy laboratories, could handle large amounts of data, a capability that is needed by researchers atoms. The machine is very expensive and tend to be too complex for business computing needs, thereby limiting.
There are only two LARC has ever installed and used: one at the Lawrence Radiation Labs in Livermore, California, and the other in the US Navy Research and Development Center in Washington DC second-generation computers replaced the machine language with assembly language. Assembly language is a language that uses singkatansingakatan to replace the binary code.
In the early 1960s, began to appear successful second generation computers in business, in universities and in government. This second generation of computers is a fully computer using transistors. They also have components that can be associated with the computer at this time: a printer, storage, disk, memory, operating system, and programs.
The characteristics of the computer on the second generation:
- The use of transistors makes them smaller
- There is a memory development intimagnetik help the development of computer the second generation of smaller, faster, more reliable, and more energy efficient than its predecessor
- Replacement of machine language is the language of Assemblies
- Emerging programming languages COBOL and FORTRAN
3. Third Generation Computers (1964 - 1970)
Although the transistors in many respects the vacuum tube, but transistors generate considerable heat, which can potentially damage the internal bagianbagian computer. Quartz stone (quartz rock) eliminates this problem. Jack Kilby, an engineer with Texas Instruments, developed the integrated circuit (IC: integrated circuit) in 1958. The IC combined three electronic components onto a small silicon disc made of quartz.
Scientists later managed to fit more components into a chiptunggal called a semiconductor. As a result, computers became ever smaller as more components were squeezed onto the chip. Third-generation development is the use of the operating system (operating system) that allows the engine to run many different programs at once with a central program that monitored and coordinated the computer's memory.
The characteristics of the computer in the third generation:
- The use of IC (Intregrated Circuit)
- The size of computers become smaller
- discovery of the Operating System
4. Fourth Generation Computers (1979 - present)
After IC, the development becomes more obvious: reduce the size of circuits and electrical components. Large Scale Integration (LSI) could fit hundreds of components onto one chip. In the 1980's, the Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) contains thousands of components in a single chip. UltraLarge Scale Integration (ULSI) increased that number into the millions. Ability to install so many components in a chip that is half the size of coins encourage lower prices and the size of the computer. It also increased their power, efficiency and reliability.
Chip Intel 4004 which was made in 1971, took the IC with all the components of a computer (central processing unit, memory, and control input / output) in a very small chip , Previously, the IC is made to do a certain task specific. Now, a microprocessor can be manufactured and then programmed to meet all the requirements. Not long afterwards, each device household items such as microwave ovens, television sets and automobiles with electronic fuel injection equipped with microprocessors.
Such developments allow ordinary The people to use a regular computer. Computers are no longer a dominance of big companies or government agencies. In pertengahantahun 1970s, computer assemblers offer their computer products to the general public. These computers, called minicomputers, sold with a software package that is easy to use by the layman. The software is most popular at the time was word processing and spreadsheet programs. In the early 1980s, video games like Atari 2600 ignited consumer interest in home computers are more sophisticated and can be programmed.
In 1981, IBM introduced the use of Personal Computer (PC) for use in homes, offices, and schools. The number of PCs in use jumped from 2 million units in 1981 to 5.5 million units in 1982. Ten years later, 65 million PCs in use. Computers continued evolution towards smaller size, of computers that are on the table (desktop computer) into a computer that can be put into a bag (laptop), or even a computer that can (palmtops).
IBM PC to compete with Apple Macintosh in the fight computer market. Apple Macintosh became famous for popularizing the graphical system on his computer, while his rival was still using a text-based computer. Macintosh also popularized the use of mouse devices.
At the present time, we know the journey with the use of IBM compatible CPU: IBM PC / 486, Pentium, Pentium II, Pentium III, Pentium IV (series of CPUs made by Intel). Also we know AMD k6, Athlon, etc. It's all included in the class of fourth-generation computers. Along with the proliferation of computer usage in the workplace, new ways to explore the potential to be developed. Along with the increased strength of a smaller computers can be connected together in a network to share a memory, software, information, and also to be able to communicate with each other. Computer networks allow computers to form a single electronic cooperation to complete an assignment process. By using direct cabling (also called local area network, LAN), or telephone cable, the network can become very large.
The characteristics of the computer on the fourth generation:
• The use of LSI, VLSI, ULSI
• The use of microprocessors
Many advances in the field of computer design and technology increasingly allows the manufacture of fifth generation computers. Two engineering advances which are mainly parallel processing capabilities, which will replace von Neumann model. Von Neumann model will be replaced with a system capable of coordinating many CPUs to work in unison. Another advancement is the superconducting technology that allows the flow of electrically without any obstacles, which will accelerate the speed of information.

How to Delete Virus Flashdisc Using the Command Prompt

How to Delete Virus - Computer Viruses are malicious programs designed to infiltrate and damage computer systems then existing in our computers. The virus can replicate itself in the system operation, or provide an opportunity to sign with other viruses exploit vulnerabilities in systems that exist in our computer.
The virus also can infect devices such as flash disks. This can happen if we download a file that contained a virus or it could have contracted the disease from our flash disk that has been infected earlier. We can remove the virus files on the flash by using the Windows "Command Prompt." Here are the steps how to remove the virus with cammand prompt:

  • Insert the removable disk to your computer's USB port.
  • Click the "cancel" on the dialog box that appears to offer the opening of a folder or do not open the flash at all.
  • Click "Start" on the desktop and click "Run," type in an "cmd" (without the quotes) into the text field "Run", then press enter or click ok. After that will perform "Command Prompt."
  • Type the name of the directory flasdisk us after that press enter. For example we type "G", "F", and so dependent on our computers partition.
  • Type in "dir / w / a" press (without the quotes) into the "Command Prompt" and "Enter." Wait until all file names appear.
  • Search virus in the file list on display earlier. Look for files with names like " Autorun.inf ," " Ravmon.exe ," "New Folder.exe ," " svchost.exe " or "Heap41a", which is the virus file. Or any exe file That might be suspicious virus file. Perogram exe is an extension of the application or software. If we did not feel save with the application exe file name extension, the file can we suspect sebgai virus.
  • Disable all file by typing "attrib -r -a -s -h *. *" (Without the quotes) into the "Command Prompt" and then press "Enter."
  • Now we remove the suspicious file earlier by Type "del" (without the quotation marks) followed by the file name in the "Command Prompt", then press "Enter." Example: "del namfile.exe "
  • Right-click the removable disk icon located in the lower right corner of your desktop and select the " Safely Remove Hardware."
Good luck. Oh yes do not forget to write the code above with the code very carefully and correctly. We wish you a successful try how to remove the virus on your flashdisc!

Functions and Understanding Computer Hardware

Computer Hardware (Hardware and Functions) -If earlier merahitam discusses thenotion of computer then this time will be continued in explanation of computer hardware(hardware) are all parts of a computer in their physical forms, and distinguished from the data that is in it or who operate in it , and distinguished by the software (software) that provides instructions for the hardware to accomplish its task. The boundaries between hardware and software will be a little blurry when we speak aboutfirmware, becausefirmware is software that is "built" into the hardware. Firmware is an area of computer science and computer engineering, are rarely recognized by the public. A typical computer personal computer (PC) in the form ofa desktopor tower case which consists of the following:
1. Processor
Processor is also called the brain of the computer, the better type of processor it is more expensive computer, the processor is referred to as the core of the computer. Processor function is to process all computer activities performed, the requested user.
2. Motherboard(motherboard)
is the circuit board where a variety of interconnected electronic components such as PC or Macintosh and mobo.Motherboard commonly abbreviated words that were encountered in the market today is the property of a PC motherboard that was first created with a base in order to fit the specifications of the IBM PC .
3. Chipset
components on the motherboard that this one mostly consists of two chips, north bridge and south bridge.
The main functions of the chipset is to regulate the flow of data between components installed on the motherboard. Two chipset which is usually on the motherboard itself has a different task from one another.
A chip on the north bridge function to regulate the flow of data to and from the processor, AGP bus, and the system's main memory. Meanwhile, the south bridge chip manages the flow of data from the input device outputs, PCI bus interface hard disk and floppy, and other external devices. Because the north bridge chip is more vital than the south bridge works, I wonder if the chip is mounted with heatsink, fan, or a combination of the heatsink and fan by the manufacturer.

4. AGP
stands for Accelerated Graphics Port. Its function is to distribute the data from the CPU to the graphics card without having to go through the main memory, thus the data processing can be accelerated graphics. Another advantage is the ability to AGP texture maps execute directly from main memory. Come with different flavors, most current motherboards include AGP 4X bus who works at a frequency of 266MHz. For now, the AGP port is used for installing a new graphics card is actually faster than using the PCI bus. However, some of the latest motherboards already include Pro AGP port that can be fitted either 4X AGP-based graphics card or AGP Pro based own
5. Memory socket
socket is the place to put the memory on the motherboard. The memory sockets have different forms for different types of memory. Most motherboards have slots as much as 3 or 4 pieces, depending on the chipset used. For memory SDRAM, DIMM sockets must-have is a 168 pin socket, while the memory type DDR, the socket is installed for the 184 pin socket.
6. The processor socket
is a place to put the processor. If antiquity, there are other options besides the system of slot socket system. However, after the era PentiumIII second generation, slot type is then abandoned because of the cost of production is more expensive than using a socket. For business this processor socket, choose a motherboard with processor socket right. Socket 370 for Intel PentiumIII and Celeron processors, Socket A for AMD Athlon and Duron processors, as well as 423/478 socket for Pentium4 processors.
stands for Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor. From the shape is visible, it is a component in the form of IC (integrated circuit) that functions to accommodate the BIOS settings and can retain its settings for battery mendayainya still good.
8. Socket Power Supply (power supply, fan)
function is to supply power to all the components connected to the motherboard.9. Connector Casing Serves to connect button / switch and indicator on the chassis to the motherboard. Motherboards based on Pentium 4, also included an additional connector port is 12 volts so that the processor can work.10. Parallel Port For Connecting Printer11. USB port for connecting a device that supports Usb, such as: flash, mouse and keyboard USB, External hard drive, data cable, and other devices

How to Speed ​​up Your Computer

How to speed up your computer - By following a few simple guidelines, you can keep your computer, help increase the speed of your PC, and help keep it running smoothly. This article discusses how to use the tools available in Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP Service Pack 3 to help make your computer faster, keep your computer more efficiently, and help maintain your privacy when you are online.
1. Remove spyware and protect your computer from viruses
Spyware collects personal information without letting you know and without asking for permission. Of the sites you visit to usernames and passwords, spyware can put you and your confidential information at risk. In addition to privacy, spyware can hamper your computer's performance. To combat spyware, you might want to consider using a PC safety scan from Windows Live OneCare. This scan is a free service that helps check for and remove viruses.
Download Microsoft Security Essentials free to help keep your system in the future from viruses, spyware, adware, and other malicious software (also known as malware). Microsoft Security Essentials act as a spyware removal and includes automatic updates to help keep your system protected from emerging threats.
Tool Malicious Software Removal Microsoft Windows is another utility that checks computers running Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000, and Windows Server 2003 for infections by specific, prevalent malicious software including Blaster, Sasser, and Mydoom and helps remove any infection found.
2. Maximize the performance of your hard disk
Disk Cleanup tool helps you optimize your hard disk to improve the performance of your computer. Tool identifies files that you can safely delete, and then allows you to choose whether you want to delete some or all of the identified files.
Use Disk Cleanup:
Deleting temporary Internet files.
Delete the file download program, such as Microsoft ActiveX controls and Java applets.
Empty wastebaskets.
Deleting Windows temporary files, such as an error report.
Remove optional Windows components that you do not use.
Remove installed programs that you no longer use.
3. Accelerating access to data by Defrag
Disk fragmentation slows the overall performance of your system. When files are fragmented, the computer must search the hard disk drive such as file open (piece back together). The response time can be lama.Defragmenter Disk (sometimes abbreviated Defrag by the user) is a Windows utility that fragmented files and folders on the computer hard disk drive so that each occupies a single space on the disk. Do the defrag at least once a month.
4. Detect and repair bad sectors on the disk
addition to running Disk Cleanup and Disk Defragmenter to optimize the performance of your computer, you can check the integrity of the files stored on your hard disk by running the "Error Checking utility."
When you use your hard drive, it can develop bad sectors , Bad sectors slow down hard disk performance and sometimes make it difficult or even write data can not. Error Checking utility scans the hard drive for bad sectors, and scans for file system errors to see whether certain files or folders bermasalah.Jika you use your computer daily, you should run this utility once a week to help prevent data loss.
5. Maximize Your RAM
Ram is one of the PC hardware that affects the performance of your computer, the greater RAM capacity, the possibility of increasing the speed of the PC, check your RAM and consult your nearest computer shop. Lately, RAM prices continue to fall due to the inclusion of more sophisticated products RAM
6. Adjust visual effects with your hardware capabilities
of Windows provides a number of interesting visual effects including animated windows and fading menus. If you do not have enough memory operations, these effects can slow down your computer. Adjust or reduce the visual effects and see how they differ

5 Type Cat Available In world Part 4

16. Ashera

Ashera is a hybrid cat group that is currently being discussed by many cat lovers in the world. Rumors has this kind of cat is the most expensive cat in the world. According to various information ashera derived from a cross between a domestic cat with a cat race asian leopard.
Name: Ashera
Origin: United States
characteristics: Strong, energetic, muscular, loving, loyal, active, and friendly with humans
Ashera first introduced by a pets controversial renowned lifestyle company, which has been claimed that they are the one who created this hybrid cat breed innovation. But there are some who accuse directly the company that just made the term for cats ashera is actually the same kind of savannah cats.
Savannah as we know they are a type of hybrid cats are quite popular among cat lovers of the world. savannah cat but it was sold cheaper under ashera cat.

17. Toyger

Toyger is a cat that was born from a cross between a domestic cat with cat breed bengal. Toyger in the United States was first developed by a person when that cat fanciers who want to have a cat penampilah like a tiger with a small body and can be invited to play. Then the cat breeders name the new race that he created with a name which stands Toyger toy tiger (tiger who can be invited to play).
name; Toyger
Origin: United States
Standart race: TICA
Character: Friendly, intelligent, and interactive
weight males: 10-15 pounds or 4.6-6.8 Kg
body weight females: 7-10 pounds, or 3.2-4.6 kg
Toyger cat is a cat breed type of new generation medium-bodied with a shape resembling fur bengal cat breed. The structure of the bone part Toyger very strong and balanced so Toyger look like a wild cat and strong.
Toyger is a very friendly cat the same familiar and easy new people knew. Cats of this type is one smart cat in the world. Besides smart Toyger cat is also very active, so it will be easy for trained and invited to play anywhere.

19. British shorthair

This cat is one of the world's oldest cat breed. Reportedly ancestor of these cats have a close relationship with the Roman nation that had once colonized Britain, this cat is a medium-bodied kind of cat with fur that is short enough.
Name: British Shorthair
Origin: United
Character: Muscular, strong, loving, and familiar with humans
Weight tomcat: 5-10 kg
Weight the female body: 5-7 kg
British shorthair has a body size with an average weight of 4-8 kg. Their body posture is very strong, solid, short and muscular as well as the bulldog. The cat's head is round cheeks, full and muscular.
During the second world war, the population of this type cats seen reduced drastically. In order to save the british shorthair cat breed many inbred with the Persian cat. As a result, many emerging color other than blue color that is the hallmark of british shorthair that is indeed the original color.

20. Abyssinian

Abysinian is one of the oldest cat in the world. Many say it resembles the appearance of purebred cat painting and sculpture at the time of ancient Egypt. This cat has a muscular body, beautiful curvature of the neck, the shoulders are beautiful, large ears, and eyes that resemble almonds.
Name: Abbysinian
Standart race: TICA, WCF, ACF, CCA
Character: Smart, graceful, loyal to their owners
The group has a cat of this type of intelligence is high enough. Abysinian very happy to be close to humans. They always wanted to know what was in working owners. Additionally cat breed is also easily trained to do everything.
Abyssinian cat is a medium-sized, slender and graceful with his short fur. Aby feet long and slender, so if they walk look very elegant. Head of the Abyssinian has a triangular head shape with a corner angle somewhat spherical. One characteristic of these cats are also present in the fur color pattern pitted Ticket are often called Agouti.

5 Type Cat Available In world Part 3

11. Scotish fold

Scotish fold cat was once named flops which is a natural cat breed that originated dai Scots. Characteristic of this cat is on the ears that fold. So scotishfold given nicknames cat-faced owl or cat can also be called caupari. But this cat racial group there are also born with ears that are not folded.
Name: Scotish fold
Origin: Scottish
Standart race: TICA, WCF, CFA, AACE, ACFA / CAA
Character: Friendly, quiet and happy
type: long hair and short hair
Weight male: 4-6 kg
weight females: 2.7- 4 kg
Scotishfold cat breed is medium-bodied cat, by having a weight of about 4-6 Kg in adult male cats and 2.7 to 4 Kg in adult female cats. Cats scotish fold has a head shape is round, eye round and large, the nose is quite flat and the legs and short neck.
For the cat breed also has two versions, namely scotish fold long hair and scotish fold short hair.
Scotish fold has temperamental good, they belong cats are tame, friendly, calm, and happy. Apart from that cat types are also friends, loved playing, smart, has a voice that is soft and highly adaptable.

12. Manx

These cats are also quite popular in the world. Manx cats or other designations commonly called Rumpy is a kind of cat world that does not have a tail, or even if the tail appears there definitely has a very short size. Historically these cats come from great britain that famous island of the name of man.
This cat is one of the oldest cat breed registered in the CFA (Cat Fanciers Association) in 1908.
Nama : Manx
Asal : Inggris
Karakter : Setia, aktif, dan senang bermain di lingkungannya
Manks has a uniqueness that does not have a cat in the other. Cats of this type are very fond of water, manx often put his hand into the water or stagnant water anywhere.
Manks also very known as cat loyal to their employers, they have properties that are quite active and love playing in their neighborhood , These cats are generally considered to be very expensive. According to information types manx cat could reach 40 million in the form of maximum quality.

13. Peter bald

Peter bald is a cat breed that originated from Russia. This type of cat is the result of a cross between don sphynx cat breed and oriental shorthair cat breed that first occurred in 1994.
This cat is a breed of cat that has very little fur. Their appearance looks almost similar to oriental shorthair cat breed and sphynx.
Name: Peter bald
origin: Russia
Standart race: TICA, ACFA / CAA
special feature: a long tail, webbed feet, paws oval
Character: nice, sweet, friendly, intelligent, likes to play
On the tail of this cat has a tail that is long enough and at the feet, they have webbed feet. To the cat's paws group has an oval shape in general.
Peterbald is a good cat, sweet, friendly, intelligent, love to play, and adaptable in their environment. They are very happy to follow her employer when going anywhere. Cats of this type also has the advantage of opening the door handles with nails oval shape it.

14. Savannah

Savannah cat is one of the most expensive cat in the world, a group of cats cat breed hybrid which is derived from a serval wild cat crosses (from mainland Africa) with a domestic cat race siamese, bengal, and egyptian want. savannah cats also have awards in the world because it has been crowned as the longest cat breed by guinness world records with a length of 17.1 inches (44 CM).
Previous savannah cats are popular in the United States, but today the world admits even in popularity this cat Indonesia was quite popular savannah cats.
Name: Savannah
Origin: United States
Standart race: TICA
Character: Strong, energetic, flexible, friendly, and welcoming
Savannah is a cat who look wild and savage, but the savannah cat is a cat-type good, friendly and courteous. Cats of this type has a thick fur, big man, tall, lithe and slender. Savannah cats also memiiliki triangular-shaped ears and legs are quite long. Price purebred cat is quite expensive, which can reach 343 million in the best quality.

15. Bengal

Bengal cat, this cat is the third descendant of the results of a cross between a purebred cat american shorthair cat race asian leopard cat. The origin of these cats come from california united states.
Although the bengal cat is synonymous with a jungle cat, but the cat's group included animals that many enjoy doing to be made in a pet because the animal is classified as a suave and benign.
Name: Bengal
Origin: United States
Standart race: TICA, FIFE, ACF, GCCF, AACE, ACFA / CAA
Character: Active and love the water
Visit: Detailed Profile bengal cat
Bengal cat has a long body size and strong muscles in the body.
For at the bengal cat fur has a thick fur and delicate. According to information bengal cat is one smart cat in the world. They tend to have behavior that is active and love the water. Bengal cat will not mind if the whole body wet from the water.

5 Type Cat Available In world Part 2

6. American shorthair

American shorthair cat race is descended from a race of horthair european and british shorthair. Originally these cats in the know called shorthair, then have a popular name with the name of domestic shorthair in 1960. Over time these cats in 1966 changed its name to american shorthair, and the name famous to this day.
Name: American shorthair
Origin: North American
Standart race: TICA, WCF, CFA, CCA, AACE, ACFA, / CAA
Character: Strong, intelligent, clever hunting, good, friendly, quiet, happy to play and adaptable
Characteristics american shorthair has a medium body size, muscular legs were nice and strong claws. Their body shape in a blanket body feathers are short and thick, which serves to protect themselves from extreme weather during the winter. The reality is one of the american shorthair cats that have strong physical shape and good health of the body, for the type of food on american shorthair, usually they are very menyuai types of wet fresh food such as fish, meat and chicken.

7. Siamese

Siamese cat is a kind of oriental cat, according to information these cats come from Thailand. Siamese can say cats are quite popular in the world, among many cat lovers who want to keep the cat species.
History cat siamese began in the know the world when its first appearance in Europe, which was then given to the ambassador English in Thailand in the 18th century ,
Name: Siamese
Origin: Thailand
Standart race: TICA, CFA, ACF, CCA, ACFA / CAA
Character: Friendly, gentle voice, intelligent, curious, and agile
Siamese has the physical characteristics, slender body, long tail and blue eyes berawarna. Color pattern which is owned siamese cat synonymous with color points that illustrate the hallmark of this cat. siamese males generally weigh 4-7 kg and for most females 5 Kg.
For this kind of siamese cat food, good use wet to give the best to their intake. Use wet food such as chicken meat, fish, and cattle. But usually these cats would also given dry food available at pet stores.

8. Norwegian forest

Norwegian forest cat breed historically come from an area called norway, ancestor of these cats in the trust comes from forests in Norway and Scandinavia.
According to information on the uniqueness of this cat, in his fur. Their fur will be longer and thicker when winter comes and will attenuate (loss) in the spring arrives. Another uniqueness in this cat also has short dark hair and light-colored long hair.
Name: Norwegian forest
Origin: Norway
Standart race: TICA, FIFE, CFA, ACF, CCA, AACE, ACFA / CAA
Character: Friendly, quiet, and rarely mengluarkan loud noise (noisy)
Cats Norwey is a group of friendly cats, silent and rarely making loud noise in general, many argue that they might be loud when living together with dogs.
For the kind of food the cat food Norwey good use dry food and wet in sedikan pet store nearby.

9. Maine coon

Maine coon is the world's oldest breed of cat, the cat of this type comes from maine (the United States). According to the group's history these cats have descended from a race of Angora cats and race norwegian forest.
Name: Maine coon
Origin: United States
weight male: 6-9 Kg
Weight Female: 4-6 Kg
Character: Strong, muscular, indiependent, active, and happy with their owners
Physical form on their own bedan great and tall, weight about 6-9 kg for males and females about 4-6 Kg. For the height of the cat is more or less could reach 1 meter in general. maine coon also have thick fur, soft, smooth and has a fairly good resistance to water. The nature and personality of these cats are very interesting, they are quite indiependent, active and happy with their owners.
Food in maince coon cats prefer wet food types usually in the form of large and fresh, such as beef, fish, and chicken.

10. Sphynx

Sphynx cat is a cat that has a kind of fur is very short, if in the cat seemed cursory look no fur at all. However, if investigated further this cat tumbuhi fine hair on how many body parts, such as ears, feet, tail, and his vital organs.
Name: Sphynx
Origin: Canada
Standart race: TICA, FIFE, CFA, CCA, AACE, ACFA / CAA
Character: Active, loyal, intelligent, and compassionate
The history of these cats come from Canada, but the name is taken from the cats sphynx statue that is in Egypt.
Characteristic common trait on this cat, between lainmemiliki body is, upright, and rounded on in his stomach. At the head of the cat has a triangular shape, and quite long. Sphinx cat also has a long neck, muscular and rounded. Walking in cats is also proportional to their size.
For the cat food sphyx, these cats are more interested in eating the food moist and dry are in pet stores.

5 Type Cat Available In world

Cats are one type of pet in the world, the scientific name in cats is silvestris catus which is a kind of carnivorous mammals who only eat meat. But increased with time cats can also eat foods such as wheat and rice.
Newspaper significant other, the cat is an animal species which are quite popular in foreign countries, even in Indonesia. Many Indonesian people are keen to choose the type of animals as pets.

Maybe that caused them choose animals of this type, because of the beauty of fur, goodness of character, as well as its unique characteristics and attractive, so it is appropriate and proper to be made in a pet. Here are the types of popular cat in Indonesia that you should know.

1. Persia

Persian cat is the most popular cat breed in the world, the origin of these cats come from Persia that at this moment (the call with iran country). But this time the Persian cat is more developed in English and American country which in reality has become the largest distributor to producer Persian cat.
Nama : Persia
Asal : iran
Karakter : Pendiam, penyayang, tidak terlalu aktif, dan setia
Jenis : persia peaknose, persia flatnose, persia himalaya, dan persia medium
Persian physical form in general is with a pug nose and face bulleted. They also have physical features on the rest of her short bulleted and size short legs, and on the long hair and smooth. Her common type of Persian cats are divided into different types, such as Persian peaknose, flatnose Persian, Persian Himalayan, and Persian media. And for a persian cat food, they are more suitable dry and wet foods are generally sold specialized in pet stores.

2. Persia himalayan

Cat of the Himalayas is the kind of cat that has long been known worldwide for hundreds of years, but this cat a new known in continental Europe in the ranks of the 1950s with a name that is more known color point persian.
Type cat is classified as very unique, Unique her this cat is a hybrid of Siamese and Persian cats, resulting in a kind of cat is very cute and charming with the name of the Himalayan cats.
Name: Persian Himalayan
Origin: United States
Standart race: TICA, CFA, CCA, AACE, ACFA / CAA
Character: Active, happy to play, and not happy lazing
Color: Seal point (brown-black), blue point (gray) , lilac point (gray-brown), red / flame points (reddish beige), cream point (beige), and a chocolate point (brown)
Physical characteristics which have a cat of the Himalayas is a pug nose and thick fur such as the Persian longhair, groups of this type also has a style body color that is very unique, in the capture of cat breeds siamese (color point on the body), plus another with blue eyes Himalayan cat which is the identical form of descent siamese cat breed. Well, certainly interesting ya! For about Himalayan cat food, The good use of dry and wet food sold in pet stores are nearby.

3. Russian blue

The origin of these cats come from a port of Arkhangelsk in russia. Russian blue is kind of short-haired cat with a gray coat color and has a bluish green eyes are quite interesting if you look at it directly.
Nama : Russian blue
Asal ; Russia
Karakter : cerdas, penasaran, ramah, pemalu dan sensitif
Berat badan  rata-rata dewasa :  3.5-7 kg atau 7.7-15.4 pon
This cat can type fairly align with a group of intelligent cat in the world. The characteristics of the cat russian blue is quite interesting, besides they can say intelligent, it kind of this cat has properties very closely with their owners, but the group cat russian blue is a little bit shy with strangers who have not been in unfamiliarity.
For this form of cat food russian blue with enough dry food and wet, usually to those foods sold in any pet store in Indonesia.

4. Domestic / Indonesian village

Domestic cat is a cat popular in the world, everyone knows the type of cat, perhaps because its appearance is often seen in the city streets, alleys deket home, even passing in front of your own home.
Domestic cats generally have the character and traits were quite good , such as independent, sharp memories, as well as physically strong. Although this cat looks a bit wild and creepy should not be underestimated once, Because of the fact that they might have some advantages that may often ignored in the past.
Name: Domestic cats
Character: Wild, strong, energetic, hunters, and active
Various advantages on domestic cats, among others, it can be tamed and made good friends with and besides that domestic cats can also keep your home from an annoying rat attacks.
In the treatment of domestic cats, can say quite easy and cheap. due to this type of cat the said groups of cats were independent, not spoiled, good physical and not a hobby select select food. Please know also, it turns out this cat has attracted the attention of cat lovers in Indonesia, which finally gave birth to a community by the name of PKDI (Indonesian domestic cat lovers).

5. Turkish Angora

Angora is a natural cat group of the oldest in the world. Rumors has a cat is very often associated with the myth of the legends in the region of origin (Turkey). However, it does not mean Angora cat originated from Turkey, because until now researchers animals in the world has not known these cats come from nowhere.
Angora today is very popular and famous in Indonesia, they are a kind of cat medium-bodied with feathers enough long and beautiful. Physical characteristics in Angora cats are generally very different from the Persian cat, a group they have a triangular head shape and has a nose pretty sharp and rather long feathers at the neck (like a lion).
Name: Angora
Origin: Turkish
Standart race: TICA, FIFE, WCF, CFA, CCA, ACFA / CAA
Character: elegant, lively, energetic, and active
For cats characteristics of this type, they have a style that is graceful, agile and active. Therefore provide good toy in the vicinity, as well as the note itself and the cleanliness of the environment. In Angora cat bathing should be routinely done, due to the active nature will impact the cat quickly soiled. The good bathe Angora cat 1 days with the anti-lice shampoo specially which is provided in a pet shop near your home.

Zoner Photo Studio X 19.1610.2.5 Final

Zoner Photo Studio Pro is a photo management software alternative to the ACDSEE PRO, possible to feel bored with ACDSEE can use this software. Many software has support Image Format type, so no need to worry about the lack supportan kind of picture what you want buddy tampilkan.Ketika access the Editor tab, and from there, the friend can do with the tools of photo manipulation tools are provided, such as the Clone Stamp, Red Eye correction, Morphing Mesh Tool, Brush Stroke, Watermark, Corping and much more.
Inter mukan Within Zoner Photo Studio Professional is very UserFrendly, so it does not need any special skills to use it, will only get better when my friend tried to be an expert in order to be maximally use functions of Zoner Photo Studio is
In conclusion, Zoner Photo Studio X Final 19.1610.2.5 it's truly simple software that has multiple functions of managing, editing and sharing for the purposes of digital photography.
For viewing purposes only, you can expand the range of supported formats by installing extra WIC codecs (eg WebP)
Video formats: ASF, AVI, M1V, MOV, MP4, MPE, MPEG, MPG, MTS, OGV, QT, WMV
Install MPlayer to add support for these formats: 3GP, DIVX, DV, DVRMS, FLV, M2T, M2TS, M2V, M4V, MKV, MPV, MQV, NSV, OGG, OGM, RAM, REC, RM, RMVB, TS, VCD, VFW, VOB
Zoner Photo Studio X Highlights:
• Optimized and faster RAW module
• Catalog, advanced picture management and archival
• Multi-exposures help you to do the "impossible"
• Transparency support
• Healing Brush and Selection Brush tool
• Direct upload to Facebook, Flickr, and Picasa web Albums
• 64-bit program version
• A wide array of edits and effects for photo enthusiasts
• HDR, panoramas, 3D photo maker
• Convenient, time saving batch operations
• Support for GPS map data is
• Easy and direct web publishing
• Templates for calendars, contact lists, and more

K-Lite Mega Pack 12.4.2 Final Code Latest

K-Lite Mega Code Pack is a collection of interrelated codec to play a video or audio.
Codec itself we stands for Compressor-Decompressor. Codecs are needed for encoding and decoding (playing) audio and video.
K-Lite Mega Code Pack 12.4.2 Recent Final codec is designed as a user-friendly solution for playing all of our video files. With the   K-Lite Mega Code Pack  we can play or play all kinds of formats popular movies and even some format that rare use Media Player Classic is already in Includkan in it.
It sebapnya, sometimes I have ever come across, when there is some friend who wanted play video / audio (although Popular), but it informs the media player Error Codec pack. And his solution to overcome this course with K-Lite Mega Code Pack 12.4.2 Recent Final  hopefully provide a solution to the problems that trouble us play video or any audio. Create a buddy who uses Windows media Player as player Video Or Audio faforite pal. terms and mandatory pal do is give pembendaharaan latest codecs that support all types of Video or Audio

Xara Photo & Graphic Designer 365 Final

Xara Photo & Graphic Designer is a full latest graphic design software designed to help users create web graphics (eg buttons or Flash animation) and also illustrations, logos, invitations, posters, or brochures.Although this software is bundled with a lot of custom parameters, but Xara Photo & Graphic Designer has a clean layout and simple and offers quick access of a set of functions to other functions which are well organized.Xara Photo & Graphic Designer is capable of receiving file format BMP, EPS, JPEG, PNG, GIF, PSD, CDR, AI, MXB, and others.Xara Photo & Graphic Designer also provides the possibility user to perform drag and drop images directly into the main panel or create a photo gallery with images to be processed.Other important features worth mentioning are allows us to create a text message on a rectangular grid insert, rounded rectangles, circles and ellipses, set up the object by choosing a position to compile and provide a touch of color to the design by simply dragging and dropping the color scheme in the area desired.we also can crop photos, removing red-eye effect, enable the auto-correction

How to make a Wifi Hotspot in Windows 10 Build 1607

How to make a Wifi Hotspot in Windows 10 Build 1607
warning first, for users other than Windows 10 Build 1607, Baidu can use Wifi Hotspot, this user-specific Windows 10 Build 1607 alone. Build versin windows to see how his 10 gan? Please press on the keyboard logo (Windows key + R) type: winver , and then enter and see there be inscribed Version 1607.
This way I explain without using the software, but if you want to use the software, other than Windows 10 Build 1607 users can use the software = > baidu Wifi Hotspot
if you've let's just follow his ways, o yes, this only applies if:

  • Her laptop is connected using the Modem / LAN
  • PC or a desktop computer connected to the Internet with a modem / LAN and Wifi Adapter / Wifi Land card
actually the same kayak using Wifi Hotspot its other software loaded her, only, only in Windows 10 Build 1607 provided Fiture the other manuals usually so troublesome.
Ok if already, straight into his way
  • First Open Setting its Windows 10,
  •  click the "Network & Settings" and choose "Mobile Hotspot", please edit its data, and then in the "ON" kan
  • Kalu so, then click "Network and Sharing Center" and his status See
 If the "Internet" is a sign of success and please test, connect to a laptop or smartphone if "No Internet" is a sign of failure, Try-click Local Area Connection and select disable it and try again, or restart.
  • Enjoy umpteen her easy tutorial
  • may be useful
  • regards outstanding

Come Immediate Download! FIFA 17 Mobile Game Now Available in Windows Store

For you are more boring, there is good news for ya you! One game of football is well known that FIFA 17 Mobile is now available in the Windows Store and immediately can you enjoy immediately.
At first WinPoin think this game is only in the form of a demo of the game FIFA 17 Mobile because of the size of this game is fairly small, size is not until 1 GB. Game FIFA 17 Mobile this only has a size of about 120 MB only!
When tested, the game runs very well and smoothly without any significant problems. But unfortunately, this game is a game online, so inevitably you require internet quota sufficient to continue to be able to play this game.
So, no need to linger longer just immediately download the game via the Windows Store each person or you can use the following link to download it and survived the weekend. :)

Review Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 14942

Yesterday Microsoft has released a new update on Redstone 2 with a Build number 14942. Through Windows Blog, we can know that Microsoft is bringing new things in this Build, which in previous Build (14 936) we could not see much change, in addition to their some hidden features
Well after 1 day of use, not time for me to tell a list of changes that I have encountered in Build 14 942, just below his review.

Hide App List

There is a new option, which you can hide the App List in Start Menu. How open Settings - Personalization - Start, then slide on the option Hide app list in the Start menu .
Once this feature is activated, the App List will be lost and the size of the Start Menu will shrink and App List will turn into a badge on the left corner of the Start Menu which when clicked will bring up a list of applications. And display the Start Menu will look like you're using Continuum.
If the Build previously we could still see the option Control Panel on the Power User menu (Win + X). But at this Build, Microsoft replaced it with membukat Settings option. I wonder what purpose, what this means Microsoft began to get rid of the traditional Control Panel? entalah.
In this Build for the Professional edition, Enterprise and Education, Active Hours option increased from the previous 12 hours, is now 18 hours. But unfortunately this option does not apply to the Home edition.
Still on the Settings menu, there is a new option 'Tasks' in the submenu Privacy. This option is useful for managing applications that can access a process that you can set via this menu, call Build-in applications such as Mail and Calendar. Although until now I do not know for sure what the point of that option.
In this Build, Microsoft pinned a new icon for Windows Update that will usually appear on the popup notification or Action Center.

Microsoft Photos

Microsoft makes the display look more fresh Photos application on this Build. With a light update mode (which follows the theme to see other applications), as well as menu Collection, Albums and Folders that move upwards.
This is one of the features I like in this buid. Where in regedit now there is the Address bar, of course, will make it easy when users want to go a long root path. So stay Copas and enter, then you can go straight into the path you want to open.


As of this writing, I have not found anything that sucks from this Build. Overall all the things that I use in this Build runs as desired. But according to reports Windows Blog, there is a problem when logged into Xbox Live.


Well for use during the last 24 hours, I can say this is still stable Build Build the same as before. So it is worth to be used as a dialy use, but need to be reminded again that I can not guarantee 100% secure because each experience will vary.

YEPO 737s: Laptop Windows 10 with the design of the MacBook Air
After Jumper Ezbook 2, Pipo Work-W9S, and DAYSKY CloudBook, now appears more of a laptop Windows 10 which use the design (clone) Apple MacBook Air is  YEPO 737s , a laptop production of brand YEPO from China.
With the pre-order price is only 2.7 million alone, YEPO pinned Cherry Trail Z8300 processor 1.44GHz Intel quad-core processor, 4GB of RAM, 128GB eMMC, as well as expansion options up to 256GB with an external storage card.
the screen size of 13.3 inch FHD IPS display with a resolution of 1920 x 1080. Unfortunately the camera sensor forward very, very minimal with only 0.3MP alone.
But interestingly, the back cover of this laptop is using all metal  aluminum though the body is still made of plastic, and YEPO logo can be lit as the Apple logo in the MacBook uses LED Backlight.Keyboardnya also very similar to MacBook Air keyboard. This means in detail YEPO 737s pretty good in cloning a distinctive silver color Air.Selain MacBook MacBook Air, YEPO also provides a choice of other colors such as black and white.
If you would like to have a Macbook Air Clone YEPO 737s, the current existence is still in the phase of pre- order until October 18 2016. Delivery will be conducted from October 20, 2016.

Wear Oculus Rift, Now No Need High Specification
Virtual reality era of increasingly stretched lately. But, not everybody can feel the sophistication and sensation VR, especially for the Oculus Rift.
Be aware of it, Oculus was finally lowered the minimum specifications required to use the VR goggles Oculus Rift on PC,
Facebook, as the owner of Oculus to replace it in a conference Oculus Build, change something that has been a barrier for potential users.
the minimum specification new Oculus Rift:

  • NVIDIA GTX 960 or above
  • Intel Core i3-6100 / AMD FX4350 or above
  • 8GB+ RAM
  • Compatible HDMI 1.3 video output
  • 1x USB 3.0, 2x USB 2.0 ports
  • Windows 8 or newer
Previous yourself, to be able to use the Oculus Rift, a user must have a PC with a high specification.
  • NVIDIA GTX 970 / AMD 290 or above
  • Intel i5-4590 or above
  • 8GB+ RAM
  • Compatible HDMI 1.3 video output
  • 2x USB 3.0 ports
  • Windows 7 SP1 or newer

Releasing Ookla Speedtest app for Windows 10
Ookla is one company testing internet connection speed, if you still feel unfamiliar with 'Ookla' what if Very familiar not, and almost all of them know the web.
After a while they provide application to test the speed of the internet on Windows Phone you, now Ookla began to widen his applications to the Windows PC.
A few days ago, Ookla has just released an application Speedtest in the Windows Store for Windows 10 PC, this application comes with features that are quite complete and also to see a fairly simple and attractive.
So, for those of you who do not want to bother to test the internet speed you are currently using, simply download and use the application on a Windows 10 PC yours. You can search for this app in the Windows Store or you can download it using the link below.

6 Ways to Remove Acne Naturally and Effectively Misbehaving rid of stubborn acne naturally and effectively is a series of ways to overcome acne that we wrote special in this blog. Previously been featured complete from the types of acne, cause of acne, get rid of acne naturally, eliminating cystic acne to remove acne scars such as black spots or pockmarks caused by acne and other related issues surrounding the main problem these teenagers.

Yeah right acne is a common problem that must be faced by most people, especially teenagers. Acne has many types and ways of handling every type of acne should be treated differently if it gets worse. There are many challenges for people with acne as not to be pressed with a fingernail and others that must be obeyed if you do not want acne heal scars such as black spots or even pockmarks acne scars.

There are many ways and solutions that can be done to deal with acne which appears on the face or backs. Among them is like buying a variety of drugs diapotik, using natural materials and go to a doctor or clinic that is experienced in their field. Using drugs containing chemicals we do not recommend because it has a very high risk would be better if immediately consult a doctor so it will heal faster. Another way is quite effective, low-cost and no risk is to use natural materials or traditional materials has always been a mainstay of our ancestors.

How To Overcome Acne Misbehaving Natural, Fast and Effective

For those of you who suffer from acne are stubborn below to remove stubborn acne that you can try:

# 1 Using Ice Cubes

Ice cubes role is to improve blood circulation in the area around the pimple and can also help shrink the pores of the skin, killing the bacteria that cause acne, remove dirt on the skin and remove excess oil on the skin that menumpuh.

How To Overcome Acne With Ice Cube
  • Prepare ice cubes to taste
  • Wrap a clean cloth
  • Paste in the area of ​​facial acne evenly
  • Hold for a few minutes and remove when it can not help feeling the chill
  • Repeat the process continues for many times around 10-20 times
  • Do this routine until the acne is completely cured

# 2 Using Honey

Honey is mmeiliki many properties and health benefits for the body that can not be doubted. Honey also contains an antibiotic that is very high. Honey can prevent the spread of infection resulting meradangnya acne.

Getting Rid of Acne Using Honey
  • Prepare natural honey (not honey produksipabrik)
  • Apply it on acne using a cotton

  • Let stand 25-35 minutes
  • Clean your face using clean water afterwards
  • Perform routine to get maximum results

  • # 3 Using Lemon Fruit

    One of the fruits that contain vitamin C which is very high is a lemon. Lemon is very good when used to treat acne, acne lemon can shrink rapidly. But keep in mind is to use fresh lemon, and in this way may not be suitable for sensitive skin.

    How to Cure Acne Using Lemon
    • Provide 1-2 fresh lemons
    • Squeeze the lemon and put water in the container
    • Basuhkan lemon water pimpled face using a cotton
    • Do this routine at night before bed

    # 4 Using Garlic

    Onions puti commonly used as a spice in this kitchen is an antifungal, antiseptic, antioxidant and antiviral extremely helpful to facial acne. Garlic also contains sulfur that can accelerate the healing process of acne.

    Getting Rid of Acne Using Garlic
    • Take the garlic and chop 1 clove of garlic into 2 parts
    • Rub garlic that has been cut to the pimple and leave for 5-10 minutes
    • Wash your face using clean water
    • Do this on a regular basis to obtain maximum results

    # 5 Using Tomato Fruit

    Tomato is a fruit which is also rich in Vitamin A and Vitamin C. The high content of vitamins that makes tomatoes is very good to be used as a natural remedy to get rid of acne.

    How to Treat Acne Using Tomato Fruit
    • Take 1 ripe tomatoes (red)
    • Cut the tomatoes into thin slices
    • Cover the pimple with sliced ​​tomatoes
    • Leave for about 10-15 minutes
    • Perform routine

    # 6 Use Fruit Lime

    Lime is generally used by housewives for keperluam cook and wash the dishes. Besides lime enormous amount used as a drug because it contains Vitamin C. Orange juice can be used as drugs to get rid of acne are quite effective.

    Getting Rid of Acne Using Lime
    • Provide 1 orange juice
    • Squeeze the water and take about 1-2 tablespoons
    • Mix with 1-2 tablespoons honey
    • Apply it on acne using a cotton
    • Leave for 10-20 minutes
    • Rinse with warm water to clean
    • Perform routine until the acne cured

    Those are some ways you can try to get rid of pimples on your face effectively and quickly. Treating just is not enough here are some things that can prevent the occurrence of acne on your face:
    1. Avoid using cosmetics that excessive and harmful to the skin
    2. Do not touch your face with acne
    3. Do not squeeze your acne
    4. Clean your face with a face wash of at least 2X a day
    5. Often Exercising
    6. Expand drinking water
    7. Avoid mind from stress

    So our brief review about how to get rid of stubborn acne naturally and effectively in the area of your face. Hopefully this way you can get back face radiant and free from acne. Indeed, in a way that will not cure acne instantly but it takes the process. But if done regularly circuitry will produce maximum results and certainly without any harmful side effects of your skin.

    Sunday, October 9, 2016

    How to Making Ice Cream Is Very Tasty

    How to Make Ice Cream Gentle - Ice cream is a drink that has a creamy texture in love milk mixture, we sometimes hear the word ice cream was how to make it extremely difficult once but not really, the manufacturing process is fairly easy, something it fits really know drunk when the weather is more hot.
    well, who is not familiar with something cold this, because not only kids who liked it but all people were also like this kind of cold drinks, the ice cream itself has a lot of different flavors, such as vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, and also taste the fruit, you also vary it yourself at home if you already know the basics of making ice cream.

    How to Make Ice Cream Gentle - Ice cream is a drink that has a creamy texture in love milk mixture, we sometimes hear the word ice cream was how to make it extremely difficult once but not really, the manufacturing process is fairly easy, something it fits really know drunk when the weather is more hot.
    well, who is not familiar with something cold this, because not only kids who liked it but all people were also like this kind of cold drinks, the ice cream itself has a lot of different flavors, such as vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, and also taste the fruit, you also vary it yourself at home if you already know the basics of making ice cream.

    Hasil gambar untuk cara membuat es krim

    How to Make Ice Cream Gentle

    Hem, see pictures of ice cream on top makes my tongue membuatnnya tergilur to try at home, beverages that have a soft texture has a lot of frills contohnnya, lychee, garnish in melted chocolate. drink this one we can buy at the ice cream shop nearby, or you can also mencobannya in the house for supplies if at any time of need.

    Before you go any further on how to make it, let's set of equipment is needed such as, basins, spoons, mixer, blender, pots and other sbagainya
    From at you curious about the procedure of preparation, let us prepare the ingredients as follows:
    • Chicken eggs 2 eggs
    • 200g granulated sugar
    • Salt and vanilla to taste
    • 500 milli liter liquid milk
    • 3 tablespoons cocoa powder
    That was the materials need to be prepared, now follow the steps of manufacture:
    1. First separate the egg yolks with the egg whites
    2. Both mix the egg yolks with the sugar, stirring until fluffy, while the egg white mixed with vanilla and salt, stir well until fluffy
    3. Mix the dough, mix, boiled dough boiled dough already in the mix to a boil
    4. In another bowl, dissolve the chocolate in the milk, then mix in the dough that has been boiled, stir until evenly distributed and thickens
    5. Lift and enter the batter into the mold ice cream, and then input into the refrigerator until frozen.

    How to Make Ice Cream Gentle

    Well prepared and presented deh ice cream when it's freezing, trying to make it home in addition to leisure time, but it is also free of preservatives which can invite disease, and therefore there is no harm in listening and mencobannya at home, and follow the tips other about making ice jazzed fresh, good luck yes,

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